DCLM Daily Manna Monday, July 25, 2022 

TOPIC:  Favour Deserved Faithfulness

TEXT: AMOS 3:1-8

KEY VERSE: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” (AMOS 3:2).

DCLM Daily Manna Monday, July 25, 2022 MESSAGE

To whom much is given, much is expected. It will be an act of betrayal and a display of ingratitude if one receives so much favour and fails to reciprocate through acts of faithfulness and loyalty. In every sphere of human relationship and interaction, loyalty and faithfulness are expected as commensurate payback for every favour received.

God chose Israel out of the nations of the world to be His own people. He promised that He would make them great and a blessing to all the nations of the world. But Israel chose to sin against God. Disappointed at their unfaithfulness, He declared that He would punish them and no longer walk with them.

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Great favour and blessings from God deserve great faithfulness from those He has favoured and blessed. If after we have been blessed by God, we choose to live in total disregard to His word, He will no longer walk with us. To scorn His favour is to court His fury and fierce punishment.

How do we show our gratitude to Jesus for His love unfailing and His tender care? The answer is simple. Be faithful to Him. Love Him. Obey Him. Do His will. There is no better way to respond to the love of God and the goodness, mercy and favour we received from Him at salvation other than binding ourselves to Him with the cord of faithfulness and loyalty. If truly God has been good to us, let us show loyalty to Him. He deserves it.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every favour deserves faithfulness.