“Weary Traveler,” the empowering new single from BEC Recordings artist and songwriter Jordan St. Cyr, is out now, accompanied by a lyric video and story behind the song. The new single is already being added by stations around the U.S. and impacting listeners everywhere.

“My song ‘Weary Traveler’ is one that sings the journey a lot of us are on right now,” St. Cyr shares. “You know God has given us this amazing and beautiful life, but we still get those days and seasons that can leave us run down and worn out. For me and my family navigating the chronic illness of my youngest daughter has been impossible at times, but what has made it all worth it is that knowing we were never meant to walk in our struggle alone. I believe that one day we will find complete rest and healing when Jesus calls us by name. And that one day soon we will make it home.”

“Weary Traveler” follows St. Cyr’s career hit single “Fires,” which appeared on the Billboard Christian Airplay Chart for 45 weeks and climbed in the top 5. “Fires” has been played on major networks and stations for more than a year, reaching millions weekly.

St. Cyr is ready to take these songs and more live when he heads out on the Colton Dixon Miracles Tour this fall. Kicking off Sept. 18th in Ohio, the tour will run through November. Beginning December 1, St. Cyr will then join the K-LOVE Christmas Tour along with Casting CrownsMac PowellCAIN, and Dante Bowe. Sure to get in the holiday spirit, concertgoers will also be able to hear St. Cyr’s new holiday song, “Rejoice,” during the tour. Visit: https://www.jordanstcyr.com/tour

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‘Weary Traveler’ Lyric Video:

‘Weary Traveler’ Story Behind the Song:

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