Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 28 September 2022 

TOPIC:  God Knows Everything About You…and He Loves You

O Lord, you have searched me [thoroughly] and have known me.
 Psalm 139:1 (AMP)

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional MESSAGE

In order to be in a close relationship with God, it is important to know that He is pleased with you, in spite of your perceived flaws and imperfections.

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Many people suffer terribly with secret worries that they are not pleasing to God. They are afraid that God is angry with them because of the mistakes they have made. But the truth is that you are righteous through the work of Jesus, not through your own works. You are imperfect, you will make mistakes, and God is not surprised when you do. He knew every mistake you would ever make when He called you into a relationship with Himself.

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Psalm 139 tells us plainly that God knows what we are going to do before we ever do it, so try to keep in mind that God knows all about you, and He loves you anyway.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I need You and I thank You for making me right with You, amen.