MFM Daily Devotional 21 November 2022
TOPIC: Sowing In Tears
Fire Scripture: Psalm 126
MFM Daily Devotional 21 November 2022 OUTLINE
In farming, there is time of sowing and reaping. Jesus Christ our Lord loves to make use of the imageries of farming to teach us deep things of the kingdom. Even the Psalmist did the same at different times. No wonder the message in these verses of scriptures; time to sow with tears and time to reap with joy!
This is awesome as it manifests in every area of our lives, especially in areas where we labour and consequently expect rewards. May you reap with joy in the name of Jesus. Today, we are looking into the issue of parenting as it relates to sowing with tears and reaping with joy. This is the expectation of every parent, looking forward to see the dividends of their labour and investments in the lives of their children.
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Parents can be called sowers, and their children the seed, but the watering and the increase is from the Lord. Whether you are a parent or a guardian, the fact remains that you’re sowing seeds. The life of a child is like a seed planted and being nurtured into growth to become a young plant and later a full grown and strongly established tree that will soon begin to grow branches and bring forth fruits. You must realise one thing, beloved, even God rejoices at our fruitfulness as His children and expects the same from us.
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The care and nurture that you gave to your child over the years; your labour and travails from the womb to the day of birth; and through the various stages of growth are your period of sowing with tears. Your sweat, sacrifice, in the physical and spiritual to see that he becomes what God has destined him to be, that his destiny is not diverted, manipulated or fragmented. These and many more are your tears. I pray that your labour shall not be in vain, and you shall reap with joy over them, in Jesus’ name.
Memory Verse
Psalm144:12 – “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.”
Motivational Quote
Before your reward comes you must have laboured. Planting comes before
Prophetic Word
Your labour of love shall not be in vain, in the name of Jesus.
1. Agenda of wasters over my children’s lives, die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Evil seeds in my children’s lives, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
3. O God, arise and teach me to sow good seeds into my children’s lives, in the name of Jesus.
4. The destiny of my children shall not be diverted or manipulated, in the name of Jesus.
5. I shall be a faithful farmer and shall reap bountiful harvest in my children’s lives, in the name of Jesus.
6. O Lord, make my children Your true Heritage, in the name of Jesus.
Acts 17; Acts 18:1-18