MFM Daily Devotional 8 April 2023 

TOPIC: The Secret of The Blessed Life

Memory Verse: Psalm 84:12
O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

Motivational Quote: The secret of a blessed life is trust in God.

Prophetic word for today
As you trust the Lord Almighty, your life shall be blessed forever, in the name of Jesus.

Fire Scripture: Jeremiah 17:7-8

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Kings 1-3; Revelation 7-8

MFM Daily Devotional 8 April 2023 MESSAGE

Everybody wants to be successful; everybody wants to be blessed in life. There is nobody that wants to suffer in vain and live in misery, pain and shame. That is why people strife to be the best in any way possible. They use any means either good or bad, to try to be successful.

There are very few people that have found the secret to living a blessed life. If you take a look at the Bible, there are people that found that secret to living a blessed life. Some of such people include: Job, Joseph, Abraham, Noah, Esther, Deborah, David, Jesus, and so on.

For them to live a blessed life, which we all read about in the Bible, there was something common about all of them that they all actively did. They all had unshakable trust in the Lord. This is the quality that earned them blessed lives and we should covet that as Christians today.

Beloved, do you have genuine trust in God? This is the ingredient for a blessed life. It might look and seem easy, but many people lack it. The reason is that you cannot trust who you do not know. To trust in God, you have to first recognise that He exists and that He is the Saviour and Creator of the whole world. Then you have to demonstrate a desire for Him. If you do not have it, tell God to give you, He will do it. From there, you will begin to have a relationship with Him and communicate with Him every day. by consciously reading your Bible and praying to Him day and night.

To trust God, you need to first become His child and member of His kingdom. Then, become a lover of His word. Read it daily and live by it. You should also be a lover of prayer. As you develop intimacy with Him through His word and a prayerful lifestyle, your trust in Him will increase and your life will be richly and continuously blessed.

MFM Daily Devotional 8 April 2023  PRAYER POINTS

1). O God, reveal to me the secret that will give me great success, in the name of Jesus.
2). I shall not be a cast away, in the name of Jesus.
3). O Lord, bless the works of my hands, in the name of Jesus.

4). Every power trying to steal my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus
5). I send the Holy Ghost fire to destroy every power standing on my way to success, in the name of Jesus
6). O God, help me to build a close relationship with You, in the name of Jesus.
7). I receive the power to create wealth, in the name of Jesus.