Prayer Points on Open Heaven

Pastor E. A. Adeboye did not write these prayer points, by one of his numerous disciples, for Christ, who was inspired and mandated by the Holy Spirit, about 5 years ago, (effective January 1st, 2015), to start writing these prayer points, based on the Open Heavens Daily Devotional, authored by Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

Prayer Points on Open Heaven 1 June 2024

Father, like the man who lost his axe, I acknowledge that I sometimes need to cry out for help. Grant me the humility to admit when I am struggling and need your guidance; in Jesus’ name.

Father, in any way I have fallen short of Your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me; let Your mercy prevail over judgment of sin in my life, in Jesus’ name.

Father, open my ears to hear the cries of those around me who may be silently suffering. Help me to offer support and encouragement; in Jesus’ name.

Father, may I not be afraid to speak up and ask for help, both from you, Lord, and from others who can offer assistance; in Jesus’ name

Father, help me to communicate my needs and concerns clearly, Lord, just as the man spoke up about his lost axe; in Jesus’ name

Heavenly Father, I come before you today with a heavy heart. The weight of [mention your issue] is causing me great distress.

READ Prayer Points On Open Heavens 31 May 2024

Father, I confess that I have been carrying this burden on my own shoulders for too long. It’s time to surrender it to you; in the Mighty Jesus’ name

Father, I cry out to you, Lord, for I know you are the source of my strength and comfort, in Jesus’ name

[Speak openly and honestly about the situation that troubles you. Don’t hold back any details you feel comfortable sharing with God.]

Father, help me to see this situation through your eyes, Lord. Grant me understanding and clarity; in Jesus name

Father, grant me the trust to believe that you will hear my cries for help and intervene in my life according to your will; in the mighty name of Jesus

Father, may I be a source of trustworthy help and support for others, just as you are for me; in Jesus name

Father, like Elisha restored the lost axe, I have faith that you can restore what is lost or broken in my life; in Jesus name

Father, help me to see the blessings in my life, even the small ones, and to appreciate your constant presence and care; in Jesus name

Father, help me to find hope even when things seem hopeless. Remind me of your unfailing love and promises in Jesus name

Father, forgive me, Lord, for my transgressions. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness and create a pure heart within me; in Jesus’ name.

Father, open my eyes to see my shortcomings and guide me towards true repentance, in the mighty name of Jesus

Father, I recommit myself to following your teachings, Lord. Help me to align my thoughts and actions with your will in Jesus’ name

Father, may my prayers be a genuine reflection of my desire to know you better and live according to your word, in Jesus’ name

Father, despite my past failings, I have faith in your forgiveness and love, Lord. I trust that you will hear my prayers as I strive to live a life pleasing to you, in the mighty name of Jesus

Father, thank you for your mercy and grace. Help me to grow closer to you each day, In Jesus’ name

Father, I pray with confidence, knowing that you are a God who hears the prayers of a repentant heart, in the mighty name of Jesus

Father, please uplift my nation (mention your country) and let Your peace reign in our lands, in the mighty name of Jesus

Father, please continue to give Your son, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and his household the grace to stand for You and continue to share edifying messages with Your children around the world, in the mighty name of Jesus

Father, bless everyone dedicating their time to pray through these prayers at the point of their needs. Give them the grace to share/rebroadcast, in Jesus’ name.

Lord all those who have been rebroadcasting these prayers and declarations, give them the grace to keep up with this good work of Faith, in the name of Jesus.

By faith, appreciate God for answered prayers. Your testimonies are undeniable in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every challenge, hindrance, and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on a daily basis be removed, in Jesus’ name.

Submit yourself and your personal petitions to God. Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.