Seeds of the Kingdom Daily Devotional 22 September 2022

TOPIC:  Grief

SCRIPTURE: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Seeds of the Kingdom Daily Devotional 22 September 2022

We are getting to that age where it seems more and more people we know are passing away. Some are people we were not that close to, and since they are believers, we know they have gone on to be with the Lord. It feels more like an acquaintance has moved to another country.

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Others we have lost recently were close friends. While we know they were believers, so have also gone on to be with the Lord, it still hurts. We have sorrow that they are not here with us. And so, we grieve. However, when we grieve, we do not grieve as those who have no hope, as it says in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, but we do grieve. It is appropriate to mourn. When we mourn, God comforts us in that grief.

Joseph Prince Daily Grace 22 September 2022 – Only Grace Brings Hope

Sometimes we think we should just “put on a brave face” and stuff it all down. We think that since they are with the Lord, we should just be happy for them. But when we do this, we are putting up a wall, a barrier that keeps God from comforting us. He cannot comfort us if we do not mourn.

So, for all of you who have lost someone dear to you, may I encourage you? Give yourself permission to grieve. Remember the good times and bad times with that person and tell God how you feel. This is all part of the process of grieving. There will be times when life feels normal and then you will get hit with a wave of grief. Walk through it with Jesus and you will be blessed.


Lord Jesus, I come to you now and ask you to show me if there is any area where I have stuffed down my grief rather than allowing myself to mourn. Thank you that you promise a blessing of comfort to all who mourn. Show me how to walk through this time with You. Amen.