Your Daily Prayer 3 March 2022

A Prayer While You Wait for God to Work
By Betsy de Cruz

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope.” – Psalm 130:4

Do you ever wish God would just answer your prayer or solve your problem now? Most of us are not good at waiting. Instead of trusting God, we wring our hands and worry.

Whether you’re waiting for God to provide a need, heal an illness, or bring your prodigal home, you probably know God’s answers don’t usually come as quickly as you’d like.

When a difficult situation lingers, discouragement makes waiting even harder. While you wait on God to answer your prayer for a new job or healing in your marriage, doubt creeps in. We want our problem solved now, but God wants us to learn to trust Him with our needs.

One little verse helps us understand how to wait well: “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope.” (Psalm 130:4)

We need to cling to God’s Word while we wait on Him to act.

The Bible is full of encouragement to fuel our faith during those hard times when we cannot see God moving as we would like. On its pages we find:

– Reminders of God’s unchanging character

– Assurance of His presence with us

– Stories of His faithfulness in the past

– Promises we can claim today

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As we read, remember, and meditate on the truths we find in Scripture, our hope grows. We can be sure we’re praying in accordance with God’s will when we pray through God’s Word.

While we wait on God, we have to choose our focus carefully. Will we focus on what isn’t happening in our lives until our hearts grow bitter? Or will we choose to focus on God’s presence, His faithful love, and His power to do more than we can even ask for?

If you are waiting for an answer to prayer, may I encourage you to cling to God’s Word and feed your faith with Scripture today? Your trust in God will grow as you choose to stand on His Word and praise His faithfulness.

Let’s pray:

Lord, while I wait for you to answer my prayer, I will hope in your Word and praise you for the blessings of salvation. Thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Scriptures to encourage my faith. Lord, today I’m choosing to cling to your Word. Help me grow in the daily habit of reading my Bible each day. As I read the Scriptures, open my eyes so I can see you. Open my ears to hear your voice through your Word.

Father, I continue asking you to do what only you can do, but today I will praise you for your faithfulness even when I cannot see it as clearly as I’d like. I choose to trust your love and your perfect plans for me. Strengthen my faith and hope as I continue to wait on you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.