MFM Daily Devotional July 12, 2022 

TOPIC:  Rewards of Faithful Stewardship (III)

We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.

I decree that any power that is assigned to make you to fail as a steward shall die suddenly, in the name of Jesus.

Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.

2 Kings 23-24:1-7; Romans 1:1-17Psalm 84:1-7

Titus 2:1-8

MFM Daily Devotional July 12, 2022  OUTLINE

Dearly beloved, I want you to honestly identify any of the qualities of a good and faithful steward that we have discussed, which is lacking in your life. I encourage you to go before the Lord in prayer and receive that quality from Him. Today, we will look at some more qualities or defining characteristics of a good and faithful steward. Living a divinely controlled life is another important characteristic of a faithful steward.

A steward that has self-control will obey the Master and be useful to Him. Self-control is one of the components of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is also a mark of Christian maturity. Apostle Paul admonished believers several times in his letter to Titus that they should live a controlled life (Titus 1:82:2 and 2:5-6).

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Similarly, in Proverbs 25:28, the Bible says, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” People who lack self-control cannot control their temper, appetite, emotion, tongue, sex drive and spending. Such persons cannot be good and faithful stewards.

READ: Prayer Points On Open Heaven 12 July 2022

On the other hand, a good and faithful steward will, like Paul, restrain his natural impulses and keep his fleshly desires under control. Due to lack of this quality, many people are not able to overcome the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). In addition to the above, another characteristic of a good and faithful servant is sacrifice. In Romans 12:1, Apostle Paul called it a “living sacrifice.”

In Luke 9:23, Jesus paints a picture of how a steward can become a living sacrifice. He said, “Let him deny himself, take up the cross daily and follow me.” Jesus wants you to daily kill your wishes, desires, agenda, comforts, free time and hopes for the greater good of the kingdom and the world you seek to win.

Beloved, you must imitate God if you desire to be a good and faithful steward. God sacrificially gave His best to sinful mankind though they did not deserve the gift. In the same manner, you should be willing to sacrificially give to others what God has entrusted to you without considering whether the people deserve it or not.

MFM Daily Devotional 12th July 2022 | PRAYER

1. Father, give me the grace to live a life of discipline and self-control that is becoming of a good steward, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, make me a lover and doer of Your word, the Stewards’ Manual, in the name of Jesus.
3. Father, make me a prayer addict and let my fellowship with You grow deeper, in the name of Jesus.

4. Any idol in my life, die now, in the name of Jesus.
5. Father, make me a channel of Your blessings and resources, in the name of Jesus.