In an exclusive chat with The Christ Gospel Radio; Teresia Ngare popularly known as Terry Ngari shared with us her journey to salvation, music, her inspirational mentors, and what to expect in the future
The Christ Gospel Radio: For those who haven’t heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself.?

Terry Ngari: My name is Terry Ngari a born-again gospel musician from Kenya.
The Christ Gospel Radio: When you say Gospel Musician, do you play any musical instruments, and what were you doing before you started singing professionally 2 years ago?
Terry Ngari: No, I don’t play musical instruments. Before I started singing professionally, I was a praise and worship leader at our local church.
The Christ Gospel Radio: As a praise and worship minister or leader would you share with us and our fans the story behind your Salvation?
Terry Ngari: I got born again at a tender age, I was 12 years old. I got into a junior youth group at the church, and years later I joined intercessory groups where I learned more about prayers and fasting, I also joined evangelical groups later when I got into secondary school, whereby I joined a Christian union and I was privilege to become their chair lady I used to peach and pray for people at a tender age and I could see God using me in a mighty way.
The Christ Gospel Radio: as a born-again believer, how do you continue to deepen your relationship with Jesus?
Terry Ngari: Walking with God and always allowing the holy spirit to lead me
The Christ Gospel Radio: What first got you into music?

Terry Ngari: My dad made me get interested in music because he used to listen to music and sing. Also, there was a gospel musician the late Angela Chibalonza who made me fall in love with music by the way she used to praise and worship God. One day as I was praying, I started singing in tongues and afterward, I started singing in Swahili and I recorded myself on the phone, after a few weeks I went to a recording studio
The Christ Gospel Radio: Are you saying, you have musicians or singers in your family?
Terry Ngari: Yes, my dad is a former Kenya defence for soldiers and a band member, he used to do music there.
The Christ Gospel Radio: so, music runs in the family?
Terry Ngari: Yes
The Christ Gospel Radio: What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
Terry Ngari: I would be spreading the gospel through preaching

The Christ Gospel Radio: Who inspired you to make music?
Terry Ngari: Angela Chibalonza the late gospel musician
The Christ Gospel Radio: How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music industry?
Terry Ngari: Yes, the internet has impacted the music industry positively because we musicians get to be known all over the world, I couldn’t be talking to you if it weren’t for the internet.
The Christ Gospel Radio: What is your favourite song to perform?
Terry Ngari: There are several but, there is one that I have told the holy spirit to pray through me, by taking my sin before the blood of Jesus so that he can pray through me…I have sung it in my language…the title is Hoya Nanii
The Christ Gospel Radio: Which famous musicians do you admire?
Terry Ngari: Jimmy the psalmist from Nigeria
The Christ Gospel Radio: What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
Terry Ngari: I was once invited to minister in an event only to be told to cater for everything contrary to what they had promised
The Christ Gospel Radio: What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Terry Ngari: Not to be money driven, In the music industry and allow the lead of the holy spirit
The Christ Gospel Radio: If you could change anything about the gospel music industry, what would it be?

Terry Ngari: I would change the way most of the music is done because some are in this industry for fame and money. I would also offer mentorship for the upcoming artists to help them toe the line between secular and gospel music and also offer guidance and encouragement. I would also help to link up the upcoming artists with the Gospel artist who has already made it in the industry for collabos to help grow faster and also see returns, of course as I climb the ladder
The Christ Gospel Radio: What was your worst and best performance as a gospel minister?
Terry Ngari: My first day performing was my best…I performed my first song in my home town and people received my songs very well…everyone was cheering and felt really fantastic….my worst was when I went to perform and I was stopped before I could even sing two verses of the song…
The Christ Gospel Radio: What would you say is your greatest weakness as an artist?
Terry Ngari: Sometimes I shy off at the stage
The Christ Gospel Radio: Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Terry Ngari: Sarah k and Eunice Njeri are Kenyan artist that I would love to collaborate with, I would like to collaborate with Jimmy the Psalmist
The Christ Gospel Radio: What is one message you would give to your fans?
Terry Ngari: Always put their trust in God and never give up in Life.
The Christ Gospel Radio: What is the most useless talent you have?
Terry Ngari: I am a great cook; I like to cook but don’t enjoy cooking
The Christ Gospel Radio: What advise do you have for upcoming gospel artists?
Terry Ngari: Not be money driven but allow the Holy Spirit to lead them, also let God discerning Spirit direct your steps.
The Christ Gospel Radio: talk us through your latest single.
Terry Ngari: My latest single is already out; you can check it out on my socials. I love my country I am passionate about Kenya as a country and also the people in this Country. my single is about the current situation in Kenya, asking Kenyans to give our president William Ruto time to perform his duties
The Christ Gospel Radio: Do you see yourself as a Christian activist, someone who uses music to speak about the problem in society?
Terry Ngari: I won’t say I am an activist, I am someone who stands for truth and speaks the truth, and loves peace. The Bible says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem Kenya is my Jerusalem I want us Kenyans to enjoy our president’s time and also pray for him for God to guide him as he leads us.
The Christ Gospel Radio: What should your fans expect from you in the nearest future music?
Terry Ngari: I am going to make more music in the future, music that heals and blesses souls, I would like to collaborate with any gospel singer in the country above all I’ll just allow the will of God to be done.
The Christ Gospel Radio: How would you define success in your career as an artist?
Terry Ngari: Success comes when my music is heard all over the world as a way of spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christ Gospel Radio: How can your fans reach you?
Terry Ngari: Through Facebook .. Teresiah ngare, YouTube Terry ngari,tiktok @teresiah ngari
Thank you, Terry Ngari for your time we look forward to a live interview with you soon