When Will We See the Fruit of Our Labor?
By: Alisha Headley

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” – Ephesians 3:20

Are you tired? Tired of putting in the work and not seeing the fruits of your labor? Are you day in and day out working and hoping to get that raise or promotion? Or perhaps you are planting seeds of kindness into your marriage, friendships, or neighbors, only to get met in return with harshness. Are you planting seeds of prayer daily fighting vehement cries for your child or loved one who has gone astray and is not walking with the Lord, only to find them in more sin walking in what seems to be the opposite direction of the seeds you are planting?

This year, I’ve planted a lot of seeds as I’ve grown deeper in my relationship with the Lord. I’ve planted seeds in my calling of writing. Planted seeds in my marriage and friendships. I’ve learned some valuable lessons this past year as I’ve been planting, but haven’t seen the fruit yet. If you’re feeling the same way, I want to share these three truths with you:

1. Your seeds are not wasted. Every seed planted will bear fruit. What is supposed to grow, will. Our job is to leave it to God and leave it alone. Remember, it takes time for seeds to grow. And every seed you plant today, will grow into fruit in the future.

2. The deeper the root, the deeper the blessings. Sometimes we need to plant more seeds into something deeper than other things. And that just means the deeper the healing and blessings.

3. Keep on planting. Keep on sowing. Don’t give up. Just because you don’t see the fruit yet, doesn’t mean the seed hasn’t taken root.

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If God met all your expectations the moment you planted a seed, we would have no need for Him and He would have no need to far EXCEED our expectations. In today’s Scripture, it tells us that “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). Friends, the seeds you plant and what you desire for it to grow into, God wants to do MORE than we can even imagine with that seed. “God’s ways are higher than our ways, and God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Sit with that for a moment. Our God has a plan for that seed, it’s our job to stay obedient and plant good seeds, and He will reward you. He says, “whoever sows bountifully, will reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).

So, while we think the seed isn’t growing, keep sowing. Everyday seeds you plant in your marriage could turn into a marriage that is full of blessings that far exceed your imagination. Everyday seeds you plant into the job you are positioned in, could lead to blessings that far exceed your wildest dreams. We serve a God of abundance that wants to bless us and reward us and do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.

Ruth is a woman in the Bible whose story of faith involved sowing the seeds of obedience that would lead to an ultimate result. Her husband died and she remained faithful to her mother-in-law, living in a foreign land as a widow and Gentile in Israel. Yet, she remained faithful in her everyday obedience to not leave Naomi despite the odds against her. She found favor in the eyes of an Israelite, Boaz. He married her in a foreign land and bore a son that ultimately was in the lineage of Christ himself. Due to the small everyday seeds of faithfulness she planted, our Savior’s master plan was accomplished.

Keep on sowing. Sow the small everyday seeds. Don’t believe the enemy who tells you to stop sowing. Love anyways. Forgive anyway. Show up anyway. Pray anyway. Even if it isn’t showing up in your life yet. Don’t try to sort it out. Don’t try to root it up. Don’t ever stop sowing! You have no idea what the seed you plant today, will lead to in the future.